Social fund of the ÖH
Support in financial emergencies
All students who find themselves in a particular financial emergency have the opportunity to apply for one-off support from the social fund every 12 months. The funds for this social fund are provided in equal parts by the ÖH-Bundesvertretung, the Federal Ministry of Science and Research (bmwf) and the ÖH-UWK.
- You are an ÖH member (you have paid the ÖH contribution by paying the course fee or continuation fee).
- You are socially needy within the meaning of the social fund guidelines.
- You do not live with your parents.
- You do not receive a study grant.
- Your academic success is adequate and fulfils the social fund guidelines.
- Completion of the application form
- Enclose the necessary documents
- Submit the application: by e-mail, post or in person to the ÖH Federal Representation or the ÖH office. We will be happy to forward your application to the Federal Representation!
- All required documents must be enclosed, otherwise the application will be automatically rejected!
- Please be sure to observe the guidelines on the amount of expenditure and income!
Application form and guidelines:
All information, the guidelines and the application form can be found on the website of the ÖH Federal Representation
Contact social fund:
Social unit of the ÖH Federal Representation
Taubstummengasse 7-9/4. floor
1040 Vienna
E-Mail: sozialfonds [at] oeh.ac.at (sozialfonds[at]oeh[dot]ac[dot]at)