Your strong student representation
The Students' Union at the University for Continuing Education Krems (ÖH-UWK) is a public corporation and thus the legal representation of the interests of all students at the UWK. Every student is a compulsory member of the ÖH. The ÖH fee for the current academic year 2024/25 is EUR 24.70 per student. Without the payment of the ÖH fee, no admission/continuation registration may be made by the university. The ÖH fee is included in the course fee at the UWK and therefore does not have to be paid separately. You can check whether your ÖH fee has been paid in the UWKonline under the tab ‘Study status and continuing education programme fee’.
As a student interest group, the ÖH has the right to review the drafting of laws. This results in a right of co-determination and the opportunity to influence all provisions relating to studies. In addition, the ÖH delegates student representatives to various university and college committees, ministerial commissions and other institutions.
Each university in turn has its own university or university of applied sciences representation, which serves as an interface to the ÖH federal representation.
Students' Union at the University for Continuing Education Krems (ÖH-UWK)
We are happy to help and advise students at the University of Continuing Education Krems with any questions or study-related concerns. In addition to committee and departmental work, our services range from counselling about childcare financed by the ÖH-UWK to workshops and training courses to provide you with the best possible support during your studies.
Achieve more together!

Together we act as your strong representative!
The Chair from left to right: Bernhard Beer, Victoria Weindl, Maximilian Bähr
The task of the ÖH-UWK Chair is to represent the student body at the University of Continuing Education Krems externally. Furthermore, it has to coordinate the units and represent the students vis-à-vis the Rectorate, the university committees and the ÖH Federal Representation. In accordance with HSG 2014, the chairperson and their deputies are responsible for implementing the resolutions of the respective body or representation and for dealing with day-to-day business. The chairperson must observe the laws, ordinances, statutes, rules of procedure and resolutions and is responsible to the bodies for his/her activities.
- Victoria Weindl | Chairwoman
Victoria.Weindl [at] (Victoria[dot]Weindl[at]oeh-uwk[dot]at) - Maximilian Bähr | 1st Deputy Chairman
Maximilian.Baehr [at] (Maximilian[dot]Baehr[at]oeh-uwk[dot]at) - Bernhard Beer | 2nd Deputy Chairman
Bernhard.Beer [at] (Bernhard[dot]Beer[at]oeh-uwk[dot]at )
The chair and the ÖH-UWK office team will be happy to assist you with your enquiries and concerns!
We work together efficiently for students!
In order to carry out the diverse work of the student body at the University of Continuing Education Krems efficiently and effectively, various units have been set up as required. The units cover defined areas of responsibility to relieve the Chair and are therefore part of the university representation.
ÖH Office
Your first point of contact on site
Office location:
You can find our ÖH office in the old building, 1st floor, wing L, room 1.34-2.
(directly above the Student Service Centre and around the corner from our ÖH Lounge).
Office opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 14:00
Tel: +43 (0)2732 893-2045
E-Mail: buero [at] (buero[at]oeh-uwk[dot]at)

We look forward to supporting you with your enquiry!
#oehuwk #unikrems
Effective advocacy for student issues EN EN
The most important tasks of the Students' Union at the University for Continuing Education Krems (ÖH-UWK) are to represent the general and study-related concerns of students in the university committees, to represent them in dealings with the authorities and to deal with important areas such as social, economic and educational policy issues. Of course, the ÖH-UWK offers you advice on various topics such as vorsitz [at] (problems with your studies) or social issues.
Your first point of contact and personal contacts on site are Sandra Sturm, Alix Ungur and Monika Aigner.
You will find the ÖH-UWK office in the old building, 1st floor, wing L, room 1.34-2.
Committee work
Our committee work to protect your interests!
Gemäß §12(2) HSG 2014 obliegt der Hochschülerinnen- und Hochschülerschaft die Vertretung der allgemeinen und studienbezogenen Interessen ihrer Mitglieder gegenüber staatlichen Behörden und Einrichtungen sowie universitären Organen bzw. Organen der Bildungseinrichtung. Gremienarbeit ist vielfältig: Wir erheben unsere Stimme in sämtlichen universitären Gremien und setzen uns für die Anliegen aller Studierenden ein!
- Senat: Victoria Weindl, Maximilian Bähr, Bernhard Beer, Maximilian Veichtlbauer
- Curricula-Kommission: Mag.a Martina Kuttig, Maximilian Veichtlbauer
- Arbeitskreis für Gleichbehandlungsfragen (AKG): Joanna Höfinghoff, MA, Stefanie Kamleitner
- Ehrungsausschuss: Victoria Weindl